Differences betta fish interbreed with the results of their ancestors
Fighter betta fish species. Hickey superior current complaint is the result of crossbreeding a few species, namely from imbellis betta, betta smaragdina, coccina betta and betta bellica. Within their destining, betta fish is the result of cross has several advantages compared with their ancestors. Generally, these advantages are the strength and sharpness of the teeth, endurance, fighting style, and blow mainstay.Of course not all the results of cross breeding has advantages, there are some that do not prove his prowess. Therefore, many hobbyists and enthusiasts hickey complaints not only do interbreed, but they also conduct training techniques to enhance capabilities. But of course it is difficult to know how much effect on increasing their aggressive. What is certain is to get a betta fish complaints that were superior, they have started from selecting their parent. But for fans who have more money, they can immediately buy it at the collector or to order overseas.
Aquarium betta fish species. The most striking difference between betta splendens compared with their ancestors lie in the color and shape of fins. At the beginning of the fins appear more familiar with the tassels. Form of fins betta splendens is very wide and fingered at the ends with varied. Likewise, the color of her body, from single color to the combination. All that can be found on the market today. To be able to have a superior ornamental fish hickey is on everything from choosing its parent. Followed by crossbreeding and training.
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